Michael Lyons

Born:  1952
 Tribe: Wiradjuri
 Location:  Narrandera, New South Wales
Michael Lyons is from Wiradjuri tribe, from Narrandera, a town in the South West of New South Wales. He started making aboriginal artefacts from his early young age and supplied reputable art galleries in New South Wales and Victoria with the finest crafts like Paintings, Didgeridoos, Coolamons (wooden bowls), Clap sticks (music sticks), Hunting clubs, and boomerangs. 
Michael’s art is unique. He has gained international recognition in recent years. In 2013 he was invited by French cultural authorities to travel to France for an exhibition of his tribal culture and artefacts. The exhibition was a great success.
Art No : ML-123 $2,900
Size : 84 x 60 cm
Acrylic paint on Timber
Price : $2,900