Elsie Granites Napanangka

Born:  1963

Location : Yuendumu

Tribe: Warlpiri

Elsie Granites Napanangka (aka Elsie Napanangka Granites) was born in 1963 in Yuendumu, Northern Territory. She is sister of Rex Daniel Granites Japanangka, Audry Martin Napanangka, Nora Long Napanangka (all renowned artists of Warlpiri Tribe) and related to famous Michael Nelson Jagamarra.
Elsie Granite has three children, one of them a young and creative artist, Justinna Sims Napaltjarri. She also has thirteen grand children and one great grandchild.
Elsie Granites Napanangka has been painting since 1987 and depicts the following dreaming stories mostly related to her country: Mina Mina, Karnta (Women), Karnakurlangu (Digging Sticks), Yurrampi (Honey Ant), Ngalyipi (Snake / Medicine Vine) and Seven Sisters (Yanjirlpiri or Naparljarri-Warnu).