Dulcie long Pula

Born :1979

Location :Utopia

Tribe :Anmatyerre

Dulcie Long Pula is an aboriginal artist, born in 1979 in Utopia, Northern Territory. She is from Anmatyerre tribe and has an extended family of renowned artists.
Dulcie Long Pula learned painting from her mother Jeannie Petyarre, very well known artist and also other famous artist of her family like Kathleen Petyarre and Gloria Petyarre which are all from Anmatyerre tribe. The great Greeny Purvis Petyarre (deceased) was her mother’s uncle also Emily Kame Kngwarreye (deceased) was a close relative.
Dulcie’s signature dreaming is “Yam leafs”. Like other women of her tribe, Dulcie collects these leaves from different places around her country and boils them to extract the resin and then mix it with kangaroo fat to make paste that can be stored and be used in later date. This remedy is used to heal cuts, bites, burns, rashes and also used as insect repellent.
Dulcie Pula Long
Bush Medicine
Art No : DPL-160 
Size : 93 x 89 cm